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About Us

Hi. This is Bob Nolley.

I just wanted to have a quiet conversation between the two of us to introduce myself and tell you why I’ve created this.

I started Labrador Leadership because I felt that the most important leadership skills today transcended the workplace and also were applicable if not downright important in all of your important relationships.  Your friends, your partner, your children. Anyone you had an ounce of care for that you encountered.

After the podcasts launched and it gained momentum, I heard from a lot of listeners who said that what we talked about was important to them.  We are going to keep doing that. 

There were people however that wanted to learn more about leadership because they felt a connection to these conversations and wanted to learn more.

Quickly. For the sake off their business, their team…and themselves.

For those folks I created the New Leaderati.  This is the hub of all the training that Labrador Leadership will have to offer.  There will be classes.  There will be a membership site.

But the first group to benefit will be technology workers.  More than any other group, there are the folks that not only want to fill in the blanks.  That have to.  They are working for corporations that are still emerging from an economy that forced severe downsizing.  Doing more with less.  Flattening organizations so that the stress created for middle managers and team leaders—arguably the backbone of the economy—was intensified.  Employee workers being promoted into jobs that may not have been well-prepared for. Contract workers finding out that their technical skills were not enough to survive.

I know. I worked with them for decades.
I talked at length to a lot of these people—developers, analysts, project managers, scam masters, hiring managers, contractor managers—and one way or another they all said that there was trouble contributing the way the wanted to.

And I created this.  The Certified Technology Leader.  The CTL will not turn you into a CIO (but it could).  It will help navigate the difficult situations you encounter every day, improve your performance, foster the admiration of your team, and become a key contributor at multiple levels.

The technical certifications that you may well represent a commitment to the work and expertise underlying the tools and methodologies that you use.  This represents your commitment to caring enough to be the total package.

Over 65% of the managers that leave their jobs today aren’t quitting their job. They’re quitting their boss.  Two thirds of manager-workers are leaving because of the boss.  Do not be counted among them.

Find out more how you can get this here.  Questions? Ask me here.


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